Is There Plastic In Your Dinner?

Is There Plastic In Your Dinner?

When scientists tested common table salt brands in 2022, they found something insane:

Microplastics. In 90% of samples tested.

But this isn't just about salt. Recent studies have found these tiny plastic particles in:

The fish on your dinner plate

The bottled water in your fridge

Even the air you're breathing right now

The truth is, ocean plastic doesn't stay in the ocean.

Every piece of plastic that enters our oceans eventually breaks up into microscopic particles.

These particles enter our food chain, our water supply, and our bodies – no matter how far we live from the coast.

That's why joining the Clean Ocean Club is a smart decision, wherever you are:

Every month, your membership helps us remove 25 pounds of ocean plastic. That's 25 pounds that won't break down into millions of microplastic particles. Won't enter our food chain. Won't end up on your dinner plate.

Scientists estimate we consume about a credit card's worth of plastic every weekthrough our food and water. Joining the Clean Ocean Club is a tangible step you can take to break this vicious cycle.


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